
Generative AI is eating the world

Cover Image for Generative AI is eating the world
Richard Awoyemi
Richard Awoyemi

Imagine an advanced AI that could compose a New York Times bestseller in mere minutes. Now imagine that same AI creating stunning photorealistic videos, discovering new life-saving drugs, optimising global transportation networks, and automating routine coding tasks. These feats of creativity, discovery and optimisation are no longer science fiction - they are the very real capabilities of modern generative AI.

In 2022, the generative AI breakthroughs came hard and fast. Google unveiled Imagen, an AI system that generates photorealistic images from text prompts. OpenAI's DALL-E 2 and GPT-3 captivated the public by creating everything from absurd avocado armchairs to thought-provoking blog posts with just a few words. And AI upstart Midjourney took the art world by storm, selling AI-generated works at Christie's for $1 million.

These systems hint at immense creative potential ahead. But they are merely precursors of the transformative societal impacts to come. Generative AI promises to reshape every industry and unlock new frontiers of human achievement. Companies like Nack and OpenAI are steering generative AI to empower, not overpower, humanity. The choices we make today will reverberate for decades hence. This technology could uplift civilisation to undreamed heights - or unleash unintended chaos. Our task is to guide it wisely towards benefiting all humankind. We'll shape the future through the choices made today.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI Robot working on a laptop

Generative AI refers to machine learning models that create novel, realistic artifacts and content like text, code, imagery, audio, video, designs, chemical structures, 3D environments, and more. This differs from most AI today, which classify inputs or make predictions.

Generative models are trained on massive datasets - often terabytes to petabytes in size - so they build a deep understanding of the patterns and concepts for a particular domain. For instance, NVIDIA's CLAIRE system was trained on all English Wikipedia articles, 63 million English news articles, 38,000 novels, and 2.8 billion web pages to learn natural language generation. OpenAI's GPT 4 was also supposedly trained on trillions of data points.

Thanks to exponential advances in computing power, data, and algorithms, today's largest generative models display capabilities inconceivable just a few years ago. They can synthesise high-quality, coherent content and solve complex problems across diverse modalities like text, code, graphics, and speech. For example, DeepMind's AlphaCode can generate entire functioning programs from natural language prompts, outpacing most human coders.

We're achieving new milestones monthly. The pace of progress in generative AI is unprecedented in the field's history. Already these models are transforming how we create, discover, optimise and augment human capabilities across every industry. But this is only the beginning.

Killer Applications of Generative AI

Generative AI enables disruptive applications across every industry imaginable. Here are some of its most promising uses that could reshape society:

Automating Content Creation

One of the clearest applications is automating written content creation. People use tools like Nack to generate entire articles, stories, marketing copy, emails, scripts, social media and more from just a few simple instructions. Nack offers personal AI assistants (created by companies like OpenAi and Anthropic) directly to end users from the comfort of their devices.

This has enormous implications. It enables infinite personalised content for every user. Even non-writers can produce high-quality articles and stories on demand. Why spend hours writing manually when an AI can do it for you in seconds?

Synthesising Realistic Media

Generative models can also produce striking generated imagery, lifelike audio, video, and even 3D environments. For example, Synthesia AI recently became valued at $1 billion. Their platform lets you create cost-effective, professional videos purely using AI. Nack and Midjourney enable you to generate photorealistic images from simple text. ElevenLabs can clone voices and develop realistic speech from text. People have even launched viral music tracks using the voices and styles of their favourite artists. Models can generate any visual concept and sound imaginable, augmenting human creativity.

Revolutionizing Search and Discovery

Traditional search engines often struggle with semantic search, personalised recommendations, and answering open-ended questions. Generative AI promises to transform search into an intelligent dialogue with conversational agents.

Imagine using natural language to:

  • Search LinkedIn profiles and CVs for the best job candidates against the role's requirements;
  • Search a code repository for the most likely source of a bug or areas of improvement;
  • Search data files for possible errors;
  • Search terms and conditions for potential loopholes;
  • etc.

You can even use AI to help you figure out what you're looking for. The potential is endless.

Hyper-Personalized Education

Education could be revolutionised via AI tutors tailored to each student's abilities, interests, pace, and learning style. Imagine having a private tutor with unlimited time and patience generated just for your needs. Education could look less like a one-size-fits-all industrial assembly line and more like a tailored Spotify playlist made "for you".

Optimising Complex Systems

By modelling countless permutations, generative algorithms can optimise everything from supply chains to chip design to transit systems in ways difficult for humans to conceive. Medical treatments could be tailored to patients' genetics and needs. We've even seen this with companies like Spline and Unity integrating it into 3D modelling and game creation. Natural language can interact with platforms and APIs in entirely new ways.

Unleashing Creativity

By empowering anyone to convert ideas into instantiated prototypes, generative AI promises to unlock human creativity at scale. We will witness an explosion of new inventions, art, music, stories, designs, and more as generative AI reshapes every creative field. Like no-code tools, AI will level the playing field across many industries.

Empowering Users with Multi-Modal Generative AI

AI mobile app comparison - iOS, Android - ChatGPT, Perplexity, Bing, Poe, Nack, Character AI

While much excitement surrounds large foundation models like GPT-4 and Stable Diffusion, accessing generative AI still requires technical know-how today. But new consumer platforms like Nack are changing that by delivering multi-modal generative AI directly into the hands of everyday users.

Nack provides an integrated one-stop interface to leading models like GPT-4, Dreamshaper v7, Whisper, and others - allowing anyone to harness text, image, and even speech from their mobile device — no coding required.

With just a few taps, you can create a dazzling AI-generated scene, convert speech to text, upscale images, optimise text prompts, and more. Nack democratises access by abstracting the model complexities and computing infrastructure from the user experience.

This has profound implications as generative AI permeates life and business. Tools like Nack will allow small businesses, creators, and professionals across industries to reap the benefits of AI. Kids can explore and create with these technologies early, gaining critical literacy. Platforms like Nack will drive widespread adoption and application of generative AI.

And with a unified interface aggregating multiple leading models and modalities, Nack provides a more versatile and powerful experience than disjointed single-model services. The future is consolidated platforms giving users a single portal to the world of generative AI.

By abstracting away technical friction and aggregating leading generative AI into a single intuitive interface, Nack enables anyone to tap into these transformative technologies from their personal device. As mass consumer adoption accelerates, platforms like Nack will fundamentally reshape how everyday people create, discover and share.

But With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

But with such powerful capabilities come equally powerful risks that must be addressed thoughtfully as generative AI progresses:

Bias and Representation

Due to limitations and biases in training data, generative models can reinforce harmful stereotypes around gender, race, age, appearance and more. For instance, image generators may struggle to generate non-white faces. Ongoing advances in algorithmic fairness are critically needed so generative models represent all people equitably.


The ability to synthesise falsified news articles, social media posts, audio, video and other content at scale could be utilised to spread misinformation and erode trust. Deepfakes are already a real issue - some people thought Trump really got arrested. Verifying the authenticity of generative content poses huge challenges to platforms, governments and citizens alike.

Intellectual Property Infringement

Generating copyrighted characters, trademarks, patented designs, and other IP without authorisation opens legal risks around IP protection and attribution. Policies urgently need updating to address the nuances of generative models trained on copyrighted data.

Content Moderation Difficulties

Unconstrained, generative models could spread harmful, dangerous or illegal content at an unprecedented scale. Image generators could create images that are NSFW, to say the least. But the inherent ambiguities of AI-created content make detecting and moderating such material exceptionally challenging. New frameworks are needed.

Economic Disruption

Automating creative and knowledge work like writing, art, design, analytics, and even programming could displace many human jobs and livelihoods. Proactive policies around retraining, universal basic income and new economic models may be prerequisites to smooth such disruptions.

Unaligned AI Systems

Perhaps most concerning, improper design could result in generative models producing instructions, content or actions that violate human ethics, safety and values. As capabilities advance, keeping generative models beneficial to humanity will require great care by researchers. Open-source communities and companies building foundation models must be especially mindful of this and proactively combat it.

These risks are formidable but not insurmountable. With thoughtful leadership and cooperation between researchers, companies, governments and civil society - generative AI can be steered towards empowering humanity rather than inflicting harm. But we must acknowledge and address these challenges urgently and unflinchingly.

What's Next for Generative AI?

Generative AI is still in its infancy. In 2023, capabilities will grow even more impressive as models scale up and training techniques improve. Here are some exciting directions coming in the next 5-10 years:

  • Unified multi-modal models that tightly integrate text, images, 3D environments, video and other formats into a single generative framework.

  • Widespread usage of autonomous AI agents, working on large-scale projects and managing company operations

  • Increased controllability and customizability over generated outputs

  • Photorealistic video generation of people, places, and objects that are indistinguishable from reality

  • Physical robot design using generative algorithms

  • Code generation for entire programs in any language from natural language descriptions

  • Vast improvements in reasoning, summarising, translating, and other multifaceted language tasks

  • Automatic machine translation and localisation for global content

  • Creative collaboration between human creators and AI systems across all domains

  • Procedurally generated interactive stories, games, and VR worlds

  • Generative optimisation of shipping, logistics, chip fabrication

  • Automated discovery of new mathematical proofs, chemical molecules, and more

Hey! Sure, there's work to be done, but we're working on many of these things already at Nack. We provide the best AI tools all from a single platform. Get started today!

As model sizes and available data grow exponentially, it's hard to imagine what will be possible in 5 to 10 years. But the pace of progress shows no signs of slowing down. Each new advance unlocks scores more breakthroughs across every field.

The companies and countries that harness generative AI first will have a major competitive advantage. Adoption will likely be rapid. The impact on every industry will be profound. This technology promises to fundamentally reshape our lives, work, and interactions.

Our Civilization's Next Chapter

We stand at the genesis of a new technological era that historians may look back upon as the start of humanity'shumanity's next chapter. While risks exist, generative AI also harbours the incredible potential to profoundly uplift human life at scale. This light now shines in our hands - will we use it to illuminate or burn?

With ethical, compassionate guidance, generative AI could catalyse unprecedented flourishing and achievement for our civilisation. But we must steer our course wisely. How we develop and guide generative AI in the coming years will resonate for decades.

The future remains unwritten - we shape it by our choices today. Let's work together to ensure generative AI brings out humanity's best, not the worst. With vigilance and vision, we can create a world where everyone benefits from exponential gains in knowledge, discovery, creativity, productivity, and achievement unlocked by generative AI. The potential for human progress is astonishing - if we have the wisdom to guide it responsibly.

I'm tremendously excited to see where this journey leads. The future is now. Let's meet it with courage, compassion and care for one another. If we chart our course wisely, our civilisation's greatest days lie ahead. The possibilities stretched before us are endless. Onward we go - into the light.

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